Israeli Jewess



Big-Black-Chasm De@th to them lol
BoughtaBride2018 Big black chasm, you're saying you wouldn't tap that hot piece of ass bc of her "religion" or where she was born? Seems pretty narrow minded. Variety is the spice of life my friend.
Kang0fWakanda OP A goyim cock for every jewish hole! Last poster got it right
Big-Black-Chasm You read a lot into my comment. Judaism is fine 😌. Don’t worry about my dick, but my dick goes in all races. 😑 There’s no adult soul I wouldn’t fuck. Death to an isnotraeli regardless.
Kang0fWakanda OP Even an australian aborigine? Them bitches are ugly for real. Google that shit and see if im lying.
BoughtaBride2018 Big-black-chasm I do lol. ok cool tho, I just couldn't wrap my head around not fucking a total babe when you could just hate fuck the shit outta them lol.
Jnjnn Hate fucking is the way to go. Wasn’treal chicks are just fucktoys tbh
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